16 in. Click Seal Toilet Connetor. 3/4 in
*Sub Brand: Click Seal
*Inlet Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Outlet Diameter: 7/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Length: 16 in.
*Material: Braided Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Toilet Supply Line
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Average Lead Content: Lead free
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Application: Toilet
*Working Pressure: 1000 psi
*Prevents overtightening and cracking of connector nut and fill valve shank.
Brand Name: Fluidmaster
*Inlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Outlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Length: 72 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*Working Pressure: 1,000 psi
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Application: Ice Maker
SharkBite Push to Connect 1/2 in. Push
*Inlet Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Length: 20 in.
*Material: Brass
*Product Type: Connector
*Working Pressure: 200 PSI
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Average Lead Content: Lead-Free
*End 1 Connection: Push
*End 2 Connection: Push
Brand Name: Fluidmaster
*Sub Brand: Click Seal
*Length: 12 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*Application: Faucet
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Average Lead Content: Lead-Free
*Working Pressure: 1,500 psi
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*End 1 Connection: Compression
Brand Name: Fluidmaster
*Sub Brand: Click Seal
*Length: 16 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Working Pressure: 1,500 psi
*Average Lead Content: Lead-Free
*Application: Faucet
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
Brand Name: Fluidmaster
*Sub Brand: Click Seal
*Length: 20 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*Working Pressure: 1,500 psi
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Application: Faucet
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Average Lead Content: Lead-Free
Brand Name: Fluidmaster
*Sub Brand: Click Seal
*Length: 30 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Working Pressure: 1,500 psi
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Average Lead Content: Lead-Free
*Application: Faucet
*End 1 Connection: Compression
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 12 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*Application: Faucet
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Packaging Type: Bulk
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 12 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*End 1 Connection: FIP
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Application: Faucet
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 20 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*Application: Faucet
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*End 2 Connection: IP
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 24 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 1 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*Application: Faucet
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 24 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*End 2 Connection: IP
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Application: Faucet
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 24 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Application: Faucet
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 30 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Application: Faucet
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Packaging Type: Carded
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 30 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 1 Connection: FIP
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*Application: Faucet
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
Supply Line
*Length: 20 in.
*Material: Braided Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Faucet Supply Line
*Packaging Type: Carded
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Application: For Faucet supply use
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 1 Connection: Compression
Brand Name: SureDry
*Sub Brand: B&K
*Inlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Outlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Length: 10 ft.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Ice Maker Supply Line
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Application: Icemaker
Supply Line
*Inlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Outlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Length: 72 in.
*Material: Braided Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Ice Maker Supply Line
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Application: Ice Maker Connector
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*Packaging Type: Carded
Brand Name: Ace
*Inlet Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Outlet Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: MIP
*Length: 72 in.
*Material: Braided Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*Application: Dishwasher
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Number in Package: 1 pk
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 48 in.
*Material: Braided Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 1 Connection: FIP
*Application: Faucet
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Packaging Type: Carded
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 36 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Application: Faucet
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 1 Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*Packaging Type: Carded
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 20 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*End 2 Connection: IP
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Application: Faucet
Brand Name: Ace
*Inlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Outlet Diameter: 1/4 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Compression
*Length: 120 in.
*Material: Braided Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Ice Maker Supply Line
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Application: Icemaker
*Number in Package: 1 pk
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Ace Hardware
*Inlet Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Outlet Diameter: 7/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Length: 16 in.
*Material: Braided Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Toilet Supply Line
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25
Brand Name: Ace
*Inlet Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Outlet Diameter: 7/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Length: 12 in.
*Material: Brass
*Product Type: Toilet Supply Line
*End 1 Connection: FIP
Brand Name: Ace
*Inlet Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Outlet Diameter: 7/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Length: 9 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Toilet Supply Line
*End 1 Connection: FIP
*Packaging Type: Bulk
Brand Name: Ace
*Inlet Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Outlet Diameter: 7/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Length: 12 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Toilet Supply Line
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*Packaging Type: Bulk
Brand Name: Ace
*Inlet Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Outlet Diameter: 7/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Length: 16 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Toilet Supply Line
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*End 1 Connection: Compression
Brand Name: Ace
*Inlet Diameter: 3/8 in.
*Inlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Outlet Diameter: 7/8 in.
*Outlet Fitting Type: Ballcock
*Length: 9 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Toilet Supply Line
*Packaging Type: Bulk
*End 1 Connection: Compression
Brand Name: Ace
*Length: 16 in.
*Material: Stainless Steel
*Product Type: Supply Line
*End 1 Connection: Compression
*End 2 Connection: FIP
*Application: Faucet
*End 2 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Average Lead Content: Less than 0.25 %
*Working Pressure: 125 psi
*End 1 Diameter: 1/2 in.
*Packaging Type: Bulk